Announcement of Phase 1 funding on Sept 20, 2010 at the Scudder Lane Town Landing in Barnstable - "We have come to understand on Cape Cod that the quality of our water means everything in terms of our economy and way of life. Our precious coastal resources not only define our maritime heritage, but will be the key to our economic future," said Representative Bill Delahunt. "This Cape Cod Water Resources Restoration Plan, which we shepherded through the Congress, is not only critical for the Cape, but will serve as an important model for the nation."
About Us
The Cape Cod Conservation District was established in 1947 as a local component of state government. Its mission was to help landowners with resource issues relating to soil and water. Partnering with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, then as now, technical and financial assistance is provided in identifying and solving resource concerns on the local level, utilizing a partnership approach with other local, state and federal agencies. A volunteer citizen board governs the District.
The District is active in educational programs (most in partnerships) that instruct in soil or water resources and in promoting stewardship of these and other resources.
Our Board
Mark Forest
Chair, Yarmouth
Les Hemmila
Chuckie Green
Dave Ross
West Barnstable
Charlie Sumner
Kris Clark
West Barnstable
Eric Turkington
The Board of Supervisors meets the third Friday of each month at 3:30 pm at the District Office at 303 Main St, West Yarmouth, MA.
Our Staff
Martha Craig
Program Manager
Karissa Collins
Fish Passage Project Manager
Simone Wright
Stormwater/Shellfish Project Manager
Patrick Temple
Salt Marsh Project Manager